
Dear KFC,

So I still get emails from PETA. Im not really a big supporter's of theirs. But I do support most of their campaigns and their ultimate goals, its just the way they go about things....but that is not the important bit. You may have already heard about their victory with KFC Canada. I got this email from the Ingrid correspondents:

Dear Sarah,

I have great news! Thanks to the help of PETA's more than 2 million members and supporters, we've just scored a major victory for chickens killed by fast-food chain KFC.

Following more than five years of intense campaigning, numerous undercover investigations, and over 12,000 demonstrations against KFC around the world, I'm happy to announce that KFC Canada will be making sweeping changes to the ways it raises and kills chickens slaughtered for its restaurants.

KFC Canada agreed to this historic new animal welfare plan following seven months of closed-door negotiations with PETA. With today's announcement, the company plans to do the following:
  • Phase in purchases of 100 percent of its chickens from suppliers that use controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK)—the least cruel form of poultry slaughter ever developed. KFC Canada is the first major restaurant chain to commit to phasing in the exclusive purchasing of chicken meat from CAK slaughterhouses.

  • Make a vegan faux-chicken item available at the majority of KFC restaurants in Canada.

  • Improve its animal welfare criteria to reduce the number of broken bones and other injuries suffered by birds.

  • Urge its suppliers to adopt better practices, including improved lighting, lower stocking density and ammonia levels, and a phaseout of growth-promoting drugs and breeding practices that painfully cripple chickens.

  • Form an animal welfare advisory panel to monitor the changes and recommend further advancements.
However, outside Canada, KFC has yet to stop the worst abuses of chickens. We are now focusing on using this momentum to force KFC—both in the United States and around the world—to meet the new standards set by KFC Canada. By making an urgent donation today, you can help our campaign work to spread these improvements for animals to all of KFC's stores worldwide.

In short, PETA's KFC campaign is far from over. We will continue to pressure KFC to stop the worst abuses of chickens, like scalding birds to death, slitting their throats while they're still conscious, and drugging and breeding them to grow so large that they cripple beneath their own weight.

Please write to KFC in the U.S. using its online comment form urging it to make the same changes worldwide that KFC Canada has made. Please also take a moment to e-mail info@priszm.com (KFC Canada's parent company) and thank them for raising the bar on animal welfare.

For all that you've already done—and will do now—to help in this historic KFC campaign, thank you.

Warm regards,
Ingrid Newkirk
Ingrid E. Newkirk

I decided to do what she told me, they gave me the link, i just had to click and type a few words. I made it short and to the point, but no way harsh. Just commended the efforts of KFC Canada, I asked for a response back, I was entirely too curious.
Hereis their response:

Dear Sarah L:

Thank you for expressing your point of view on animal welfare.

KFC is committed to the well being and humane treatment of chickens and we
require all of our suppliers to follow guidelines developed by us with
leading experts on our Animal Welfare Advisory Council. Our suppliers
receive audits at their poultry facilities to ensure they are in
compliance. Failure to comply with our strict guidelines could result in
termination of our supplier agreement if remedial action is not taken.

Additionally, we have taken a leadership role with our trade associations
to establish standardized guidelines for the entire poultry industry,
including quick service restaurants. Our company also adheres to the
American Meat Institute's Animal Welfare guidelines for the humane
treatment of other animals bred for consumption.

We recognize that the breeding of any animal for human consumption may not
be palatable to you, and we respect the choice you have made. However, we
also respect the choice of millions of our consumers who frequent our
restaurants for the high quality, delicious food we offer.

We would like to assure you that we will continue to take the matter of
animal welfare very seriously. For further information about our
position, or the guidelines we follow, please feel free to view our
websites at www.kfc.com or www.yum.com. Thank you again for taking the
time to share your perspective.


KFC Consumer Affairs

I just love how they say they have their producers follow their guidelines. Well as we have seen their guidelines are low or they are doing a poor job of enforcing any such guidelines. I also love the fact that they say that they are a leader in poultry industry, when he is just talking about the commodity and enhancing the rate of production. This is removing from the welfare of the animals. Just so funny that he says they respect their own customers choices. But if they knew what was going on, they would think twice about what they were eating. Just think back to the 70s when the American public found out about the procedures of raising calves for veal. The consumption of veal in the nation has dropped to a quarter of what it was in '75.

Well consumers, is your KFC meat of high quality and delicious? I tend to believe that most people getting chicken from KFC are there because of short time, short money, and lack of knowledge on the corporate side of the chain.

If anybody else does contact KFC and click the box to tell them to contact them, I wonder if it is a standard response. The correspondent failed to acknowledge the changes to their corporation in Canada. But even so, I decided to venture of to www.yum.com, and it took me a few quick steps to find their 'guidelines' for poultry welfare. I read this page and another page, but they are constantly saying 'we recommend' 'may from time to time...' or 'our supplies tell us'. These phrases are so ambiguous, it just sounds like these are recomended proposals for their suppliers, and if they don't comply, well they must show documentation, but if they can have a good reason, then hell with the guidelines. And the best part, the bottom of the page, a link to TYSON! Oh god, now don't get me started. I see that you say all these things, but then look at Tyson. It's pathetic that our nations completely disregards ethical and humane standards when it comes to making a buck.

I must get going though. I'll have a post on some of the foods I've made in the past few days after my presentation is over. Im really excited about my presentation, I had to cut back on some parts. My section on laws in the EU and UK was over 5 mins long, I had averaged it a good minute, not 5! Haha, it makes me happy that I have to pull back instead of try and scrap for things to speak about. I can't deny that Im passionate about welfare of factory animals. If I ever do move to DC, don't doubt for a second that I will try and become very active in COK. As I was doing some research last night on the 28-hour law, I was reading a paper I wrote 4-5 years ago, speaking about how the law is so outdated and that the transportation of animals is mostly by trucks, when this law is only for rail cars. In just those short years, the law has been amended because of COK! I just love seeing how things are improving, yes slow. But we are making a difference. Everyone should pat their backs. And if that is too embarrassing, Ill come over and pat it for you.


Ruby Red said...

I share the same views you do about PETA. But their constant e-mails got annoying so I finally opted out of them. I'm glad you wrote back to KFC, though, and PETA deserves recognition for making positive changes in KFC's Canada locations. I'd like to think I'd give them my business if they made vegan faux-meat products in the US, but when it really comes down to it they'd probably find a way to make them totally unhealthy. That less-cruel controlled atmosphere killing sounds promising, but it's still not ideal because there would be no killing if I had my way!

I looked up the alfredo recipe on the ppk and had my heart set on making it tonight, but the recipe's author messaged me and made me think I shouldn't try it until I have some onion powder. Oh well. But now I'm craving fettuccine alfredo like nobody's business! =)

Hungry Hungry Dancer said...

hey sarah... thank you SOOO much for your kind words.

its really wonderful to know that i have people supporting me.. even though we have never met!!!

Would you mind if i added you to my blog roll??

Jen said...

Thanks for posting this! I admit, I've kind of tuned out their e-mails, sending them to junk mail because (like you & others) they're not the organization I most identify with in terms of tactics. But it's good to see that they're having some impact (not without its pitfalls, but it's a step in the right direction, eh?). Do you ever listen to the Vegan Freaks podcast?

aTxVegn said...

Good for you for doing your part. KFC is the most picketed place here in Austin, several times a year.

Tuco said...

Hi there - I'm up in Canada, and I think, due to some differences in how KFC's are owned up here, only about half our KFCs are offering this veggie option.

Still good of course, but I have to admit I can't see many vegans walking into KFC and giving that company their money.